Federal Funding to Support Student Involvement - Resources and Webinar
Interested in starting a Research Experience for Undergraduates? Looking for sources of funding to pay undergraduates in your lab? The resources below provide information about NSF and NIH funding for REUs, including information about how to write proposals, different types of grants and supplements available, and additional resources and support available to you!
Expanding Undergraduate Research: Identifying Federal Funding to Support Student Involvement
Slides and slide notes from the Dec. 1st, 2022 webinar
To watch the "Expanding Undergraduate Research: Identifying Federal Funding to Support Student Involvement" webinar that was held on December 1st, 2022, click here.
You can watch testimonies from students who participated in REUs here and here.
If you have questions, please contact any of the people below.
Kimberly J. Sierra

Kimberly J. Sierra
Director, Undergraduate Research & Inquiry
Director, Title III HSI STEM: Project CREAR
Co-Director, STEM Learning Center
(520) 621-2295
Courtney Coffey

Courtney Coffey, PhD
Associate, Research Development
(520) 621-6904
Kelley Merriam-Castro

Kelley Merriam-Castro
Program Manager, Undergraduate Research Initiatives
(520) 626-9331
Michelle Higgins

Dr. Michael Johnson - REU Panelist

Michael Johnson, PhD
Associate Professor, Immunobiology
Director of Graduate Studies, Industrial Microbiology Track, Applied Bioscience Program
Director of the National Summer Undergraduate Research Project (NSURP)
Allison Huff - REU Panelist

Allison Huff, DHEd
Assistant Professor, Family and Community Medicine (Research Scholar Track)
Collaborative Research: HSI Implementation and Evaluation Project: Transfer Students’ Success in Quantum Information Science and Engineering